Our recruitment stage surveys are designed to provide you with the insights needed to refine your hiring and onboarding processes. By ensuring a smooth transition for new employees and addressing concerns early, you can foster a positive initial experience that significantly impacts long-term retention and engagement. Invest in our tailored surveys today to build a stronger, more efficient, and more attractive recruitment process.

Recruitment Stage Surveys

  • Candidate Survey
  • Single Point Onboard Survey

Candidate Survey

Elevate Your Recruitment Process, Enhance Candidate Experience

This survey provides invaluable insights from individuals who have experienced your hiring process firsthand. By evaluating their experiences, you can fine-tune every aspect of your recruitment strategy, from communication clarity to the efficiency of your team.


  • Identify and eliminate bottlenecks, ensuring a seamless and efficient hiring process. Enhance positive recruitment experiences to generate higher acceptance rates and attract top talent.
  • Identify and eliminate bottlenecks, ensuring a seamless and efficient hiring process. Enhance positive recruitment experiences to generate higher acceptance rates and attract top talent.
  • Leverage data to continuously improve and perfect your hiring process.


The candidate survey is a critical tool designed to gather detailed feedback from individuals who have participated in your hiring process. This survey captures their perceptions and experiences across various stages of recruitment, including initial outreach, interview scheduling, communication with hiring personnel, and the overall candidate experience.

With this feedback, organisations can identify strengths and areas for improvement in their recruitment strategy. The insights gained from candidate surveys enable companies to enhance the clarity of communication, streamline the efficiency of recruitment teams, improve the overall candidate journey, and ultimately, attract and retain top talent by fostering a more positive and engaging hiring experience.


Should take approximately 5-10 minutes to complete.

Economic Benefits:

  • Reduced Turnover Costs: Enhancing the candidate experience attracts employees better aligned with company values, reducing early turnover and saving on recruitment and onboarding expenses.
  • Higher Acceptance Rates: A positive recruitment experience leads to higher offer acceptance rates, reducing the need for repeated hiring cycles and saving on additional recruitment costs.
  • Increased Efficiency: Streamlining the hiring process speeds up recruitment, allowing businesses to fill vacancies faster, minimizing productivity losses from unfilled positions.

Benefits for Employees:

  • Improved Onboarding Experience: Candidates who have a positive recruitment experience are more likely to have a smoother transition into the organization, leading to better onboarding experiences and faster integration into their new roles.
  • Increased Engagement and Satisfaction: Employees who experience a well-structured and respectful hiring process tend to start their roles with a positive impression of the company, which can boost initial engagement and job satisfaction.
  • Stronger Alignment with Company Values: By ensuring that the recruitment process accurately reflects company values and culture, candidates who are hired are more likely to feel aligned with the organization’s mission, leading to a more cohesive and motivated workforce.

Cultural Benefits:

  • Enhanced Employer Branding: Positive candidate experiences, informed by survey feedback, boost the organization’s reputation, leading to better reviews and an improved ability to attract top talent.
  • Improved Recruitment Strategy: : Surveys offer insights that help refine recruitment strategies, enabling organizations to better meet candidate expectations and enhance the hiring process.
  • Informed Decision-Making: Ongoing survey feedback supports data-driven recruitment decisions, leading to better hiring outcomes.
  • Informed Decision-Making: Ongoing survey feedback supports data-driven recruitment decisions, leading to better hiring outcomes.

Example Items

  • "How clearly were the job expectations and responsibilities communicated to you during the hiring process?"
  • "Did you feel the communication from our hiring team was timely and effective?"
  • "How satisfied were you with the level of professionalism demonstrated by our hiring team?"
  • "Were there any parts of the interview process that you found confusing or challenging?"
  • "How well did the recruitment process reflect the company culture and values?"
  • "Were you provided with sufficient information to make an informed decision about the job offer?"

Single Point Onboard Survey

Ensure a Smooth Transition With Real-Time Feedback

The Single Point Onboard Survey captures new hires' feedback within the first few weeks. Assess the effectiveness of your onboarding process, from initial training to cultural integration, and make impactful adjustments.


  • Enhance the onboarding experience with real-time feedback, ensuring new hires feel supported and prepared.
  • Address early concerns to boost job satisfaction, increase retention and reduce turnover.
  • Show commitment to continuous improvement, fostering early engagement and loyalty.
  • Make quick, impactful changes based on immediate feedback, improving the onboarding process for future hires.


A Single Point Onboard Survey is a focused feedback tool used to gather insights from new employees at a specific stage during the onboarding process, usually within the first few weeks of employment. It assesses key areas such as their initial impressions, satisfaction with the onboarding experience, clarity of their role, and integration into the company culture. The feedback helps organizations identify and address gaps in the onboarding process, promoting smoother integration, improving new hire satisfaction, and enhancing retention. This proactive approach allows companies to optimize their onboarding programs, ensuring new employees feel supported and are set up for long-term success.


Should take approximately 5-10 minutes to complete.

Economic Benefits:

  • Reduced Turnover Costs: A more effective onboarding process decreases early-stage turnover, saving on the costs associated with recruitment and training.
  • Higher Productivity: Early identification and resolution of onboarding issues enable new employees to become productive more quickly, reducing the time to full performance.

Benefits for Employees:

  • Enhanced Onboarding Experience: Employees benefit from a smoother onboarding process tailored to their needs, leading to a more positive introduction to the company.
  • Increased Job Satisfaction: By voicing their experiences early on, employees can contribute to improvements that directly affect their job satisfaction and overall experience in the organization.

Cultural Benefits:

  • Improved Cultural Integration: Insights from the survey help ensure that new employees are aligning well with the company's culture, allowing for adjustments that foster better integration.
  • Stronger Employee Engagement: By addressing onboarding concerns early, organizations can enhance engagement, making new hires feel more valued and connected to the company from the start.

Example Items

  • "On a scale of 1 to 5, how would you rate the clarity of the information provided during your onboarding process?
  • "How satisfied are you with the clarity of your job role and responsibilities as explained during the onboarding process?"
  • "To what extent do you feel integrated into the company's culture?"
  • "How effective was the training you received in helping you understand the tools and systems necessary for your role?"
  • "Did you feel supported by your team and manager during your first weeks?"
  • "What improvements would you suggest to enhance the onboarding experience for future new hires?"