Emotional Reasoning Questionnaire

The ERQ is a popular screening solution used to provide a quick, reliable measurement of a person's emotional reasoning. The ERQ will assist you to:

  • Identify effective and talented candidates/employees in roles where emotional reasoning is a useful ability, such as customer service roles, sales roles or team work environment.
  • Improve external and internal sales by using talented relationship builders.
  • Save costs of recruitment and training.
Enquire Now

Emotional Intelligence test. Determine the emotional state of one\'s mind


What does the ERQ measure?

The ERQ includes two complementary scales, both of which measure emotional reasoning. The first scale includes items which require respondents to identify feelings people have as a result of a described situation. The second scale includes items which ask people to identify which situations will produce a specified emotional response. The use of these complementary scales allows for cross-checking of people's responses, and adds to overall reliability. The ERQ produces an independent measure of a candidate's ability - it is not a personality test.


  • The assessment can be administered using Paper & Pencil materials or online.
  • The online solution requires only a basic internet connection.
  • It takes approximately 10 to 15 minutes to complete 20 items.
  • Comprehensive individual interpretive reports are generated within minutes of assessment completion.

Techincal Information

Correct ERQ scores were determined using a consensus of Australian experts who are knowledgeable in this area, chiefly psychologists. Using expert scores allows for identification of a candidate's ability relative to an Australian normative group.


  • Author: Jared Laughin & Psych Press
  • Suitable for: General population
  • Time:Approximately 20 minutes
  • Norms: Australian norm


Sample Reports

Sample Reports

Learn more about the Emotional Reasoning Questionnaire by contacting one of our consultants: