Onboarding surveys are tools used to gather feedback from new employees about their initial experiences with a company, including the effectiveness of the onboarding process, training, and integration into the team. These surveys are valuable because they help organizations refine their onboarding practices, ensure new hires feel welcomed and supported, and increase early employee engagement and retention.

Onboarding Stage Surveys

  • Phased Onboard Survey (Week 1)
  • Phased Onboard Survey - Week 5
  • Remote On boarding survey

Phased Onboard Survey (Week 1)

Build a Stronger Team with Early Insights

Administered during the first week of employment, this survey gathers initial impressions and feedback on job role clarity, team introductions, and cultural fit.


  • Quick Adjustments: Act on feedback promptly to enhance the onboarding process.
  • Early Engagement: Ensure new hires start on a positive note, improving long-term engagement and satisfaction.


A Phased Onboarding Survey - Week 1 is a feedback tool administered to new employees at the end of their first week with the company. This survey is part of a phased approach to onboarding, where feedback is collected at different stages of the new hire’s integration. The survey aims to gather insights into their initial experiences, focusing on their early impressions of the company, role clarity, training, and support from management and peers. This early feedback helps organizations quickly address any issues and enhance the onboarding process in real time.


Should take approximately 5-10 minutes to complete.

Economic Benefits:

  • Reduced Turnover Costs: By addressing issues during the first week, organizations can prevent potential dissatisfaction that could lead to early turnover, reducing costs related to recruitment and rehiring.
  • Increased Productivity: Quick adjustments based on feedback allow new hires to settle into their roles faster, increasing their productivity and contribution to the organization earlier.

Benefits for Employees:

  • Improved Support: Employees can provide feedback on their first impressions, allowing employers to address any concerns early, leading to a more supportive and responsive onboarding experience.
  • Faster Role Clarity: By gathering feedback on job expectations, companies can ensure employees are clear on their responsibilities, helping them feel more confident and integrated.

Cultural Benefits:

  • Better Cultural Integration: Early feedback ensures that new hires are absorbing and aligning with company values and culture, enabling adjustments if any misalignment is identified.
  • Fostering Open Communication: By encouraging feedback early in the process, organizations promote a culture of transparency and responsiveness, making employees feel heard and valued from the start.

Example Items

  • "How clearly were your job duties and responsibilities explained during your first week?"
  • "How welcomed and supported did you feel by your team during your first few days?"
  • "Was the initial training or orientation sufficient to help you understand the tools and systems you will be using?"
  • "Do you feel that the company culture aligns with what was communicated during the hiring process?"
  • "What improvements could we make to help new employees feel more comfortable and prepared in their first week?"

Phased Onboard Survey (Week 5)

Build a Stronger Team with Early Insights

Conducted at the end of the first month, this survey evaluates how well new employees are settling into their roles and the organization, providing deeper insights into their integration and support.


  • Long-Term Integration: Ensure employees are well-integrated and supported, fostering long-term success.
  • Continuous Improvement: Gather detailed feedback to refine and perfect your onboarding process for future hires.


The Phased Onboarding Survey - Week 5 is a feedback tool designed to gather insights from new employees after their first month in the organization. By this stage, employees are settling into their roles and beginning to integrate into the team and company culture. The survey assesses their satisfaction, clarity of responsibilities, and the effectiveness of training, as well as how well they feel supported by management and colleagues. This feedback allows organizations to identify areas for improvement, address any concerns, and provide ongoing support, helping ensure long-term retention, engagement, and a smoother transition into the company.


Should take approximately 5-10 minutes to complete.

Economic Benefits:

  • Enhanced Retention Rates: By addressing any issues that may have emerged over the first month, employers can reduce the risk of turnover and the associated costs of recruitment and training.
  • Improved Employee Productivity: As employees settle into their roles, addressing any roadblocks identified through the survey can further boost productivity, benefiting overall organizational efficiency.

Benefits for Employees:

  • Increased Role Clarity and Confidence: At the five-week mark, employees can reflect on their understanding of their role and responsibilities, providing feedback that helps ensure they feel confident and capable in their position.
  • Support for Continuous Integration: Employees can highlight any lingering challenges, ensuring they receive the necessary support to fully integrate into the team and organization.

Cultural Benefits:

  • Deeper Cultural Integration: The survey allows organizations to assess whether employees feel fully integrated into the company culture, making adjustments to foster stronger cultural alignment if necessary.
  • Feedback-Driven Adjustments: Ongoing feedback helps organizations continuously fine-tune their onboarding and cultural alignment processes, improving the overall work environment.

Example Items

  • "How well do you feel you understand your role and responsibilities after five weeks?"
  • "Do you feel the training you received has adequately prepared you to perform your duties?"
  • "How well do you feel you’ve integrated into your team and the company culture?"
  • "Do you feel you are receiving the support and resources needed to succeed in your role?"
  • "What improvements could be made to the onboarding process to help future new hires in their first month?"