Exit and retention surveys evaluate employee satisfaction and reasons for departure, focusing on factors like job satisfaction, career development, and workplace environment. These surveys offer valuable insights into employees' experiences and motivation. By addressing feedback from exiting employees and those who stay, companies can enhance their retention strategies and cultivate a positive and engaging workplace culture.

Exit and Retention Surveys

  • Employee Experience Surveys
  • Exit Interview Survey

Exit Survey

An exit survey is a valuable tool designed to gather candid feedback from employees who are leaving the organization. It provides insights into their reasons for departing, their experiences during their tenure, and areas for potential improvement. By analyzing this feedback, we can address issues, enhance employee satisfaction, and make informed decisions to strengthen our workplace. Utilizing exit surveys transforms employee departures into opportunities for organizational growth and continuous improvement.


An exit survey is a structured feedback tool designed to gather insights from employees who are leaving an organization. This survey aims to understand their reasons for departing, assess their overall experience with the company, and identify areas for improvement. By collecting data on various aspects such as job satisfaction, workplace culture, management effectiveness, and career development, the exit survey provides valuable information to help organizations enhance retention strategies, improve employee satisfaction, and make informed decisions about workplace improvements.


Should take approximately 5-10 minutes to complete.

Economic Benefits:

  • Reduced Turnover Costs: By identifying and addressing key factors contributing to employee departures, exit surveys can help decrease turnover rates by up to 15%, significantly reducing the costs associated with recruiting and training new employees.
  • Enhanced Productivity: Insights gained from exit surveys can lead to improvements in workplace practices and employee satisfaction, which can boost overall productivity by an estimated 10-20%.
  • Improved Financial Planning: Analyzing trends from exit survey data allows organizations to better forecast and manage human resources expenses, potentially reducing HR-related costs by up to 12% through more effective budget allocation and cost management.

Employee Benefits:

  • Increased Job Satisfaction: Exit surveys provide a platform for departing employees to voice their opinions, which can lead to targeted improvements that enhance job satisfaction for current employees.
  • Career Development Insights: Feedback collected through exit surveys can highlight areas where employees feel they lacked growth opportunities, leading to the implementation of better career development programs.
  • Enhanced Work Environment: Understanding the reasons behind employee departures can lead to improvements in workplace culture and practices, resulting in a more supportive and enjoyable work environment.

Related survey: Employee Engagement Survey

Organisational Culture Benefits:

  • Identification of Cultural Issues: Exit surveys help pinpoint cultural problems within the organization, allowing for timely interventions to address issues and align the culture with company values.
  • Improved Employee Engagement: By addressing the concerns and feedback gathered from exit surveys, organizations can foster a more engaging and inclusive culture that encourages employee retention and satisfaction.
  • Strengthened Organizational Values: Insights from exit surveys can guide adjustments to company policies and practices, ensuring they better reflect and reinforce the desired organizational values and culture.

Example Items:

  • "What factors influenced your decision to pursue alternative job opportunities?"
  • "Did you explore potential avenues to remain with our organization before finalizing your decision to depart?"
  • "How would you evaluate the management's acknowledgment of employee contributions during your tenure?"

Employee Experience Survey

The primary goal of an employee experience survey is to gather insights into the factors that influence employee engagement, satisfaction, and retention. By understanding the employee experience, organizations can identify strengths, pinpoint areas for improvement, and develop strategies to enhance the workplace environment and culture.


  • Provides Insight to Employee Needs: Understanding employee perspectives helps address their needs and concerns, leading to a more supportive work environment.
  • Provides Insight into Workplace Culture: Reveals cultural strengths and weaknesses, guiding improvements to enhance the overall work environment.


An Employee Experience Survey is a tool used by organisations to collect feedback from employees about their overall experience within the company. This survey typically covers various aspects of the workplace, including job satisfaction, work environment, company culture, management effectiveness, communication, career development opportunities, and work-life balance. The goal of an Employee Experience Survey is to gauge employees' perceptions and feelings about their roles and the organisation, identifying areas of strength and opportunities for improvement to enhance employee engagement, retention, and overall organisational performance.


Should take approximately 5-10 minutes to complete.

Economic Benefits:

  • Increased Retention: Reducing turnover lowers costs associated with hiring and training new employees, preserving your investment in talent.
  • Improved Organisational Performance: A more engaged workforce leads to higher productivity and better business outcomes, directly impacting profitability.
  • Data-Driven Decision-Making: Access to precise, actionable insights enables strategic decisions that optimise resources and enhance operational efficiency.

Employee Benefits:

  • Enhanced Employee Engagement: Employees feel more connected and motivated when their feedback is valued, leading to a more satisfying work experience.
  • Better Job Satisfaction: Addressing key areas of concern improves overall job satisfaction, making employees feel appreciated and supported.
  • Career Development Opportunities: The survey helps identify individual career aspirations, allowing for tailored development plans that foster personal and professional growth.

Cultural Benefits:

  • Stronger Workplace Culture: The survey helps identify and reinforce positive cultural values, fostering a more cohesive and inclusive work environment.
  • Improved Trust and Transparency: Regular feedback collection and action build trust, creating a culture where employees feel safe to express their ideas and concerns.
  • Enhanced Diversity and Inclusion: The survey can reveal strengths and gaps in diversity and inclusion efforts, helping to create a more welcoming and supportive workplace for all employees.

Example Items:

  • "How content do you feel with your life in general these days?"
  • "To what degree do you agree or disagree with this statement: I am aware of where I can seek assistance if my mental well-being is affected."
  • "How strongly do you agree or disagree with this statement: I am provided with sufficient opportunities in my current job to utilize my knowledge and skills."