Change management surveys evaluate the impact of organizational changes on employees' adaptation, productivity, and overall satisfaction. These surveys focus on key factors like readiness for change, communication effectiveness, and the support provided during transitions. By collecting insightful feedback, our surveys help identify areas where change management strategies can be improved, ensuring a smoother transition and greater employee engagement.

Change Management Surveys

  • Change Readiness
  • Change Success
  • Organisational Change Survey

Change Readiness Survey

Assessing Preparedness for Organizational Change

Assesses whether an organisation and its employees are prepared for change, measuring factors such as employee attitudes towards change, the existing organisational culture’s adaptability, and the resources available to support the change process.


  • Identifies Barriers: Pinpoints resistance or challenges to change.
  • Improves Planning: Aligns strategies with employee attitudes and readiness.
  • Boosts Success: Enhances change outcomes by addressing resource gaps and adaptability.


A Change Readiness Survey is a comprehensive tool designed to assess your organization's preparedness for upcoming changes and transformations. By evaluating employee attitudes, understanding potential resistance, and identifying areas of support, this survey provides actionable insights to guide successful change initiatives. Equip your HR team with the data needed to drive smooth transitions and foster a resilient workforce. Invest in our survey to ensure your organization is poised for success in any evolving landscape.


Should take approximately 10-15 minutes to complete.

Economic Benefits:

  • Reduced Change Implementation Costs: By identifying and addressing potential issues early, organizations can significantly lower the costs associated with change resistance and disruptions. According to a study by McKinsey & Company, effective change management can reduce costs by up to 20% (McKinsey & Company, "The Psychology of Change: Why We Resist and How to Overcome It," 2022).
  • Increased Productivity: Organizations that prepare their workforce for change experience smoother transitions and less downtime, leading to higher productivity levels. Businesses with robust change management practices see up to a 30% improvement in employee productivity (Prosci, "Best Practices in Change Management," 2023).
  • Enhanced ROI on Change Initiatives: By ensuring your employees are ready and supportive, the likelihood of achieving desired outcomes from change initiatives increases, enhancing overall return on investment (ROI). Effective change management contributes to up to a 15% higher ROI on change projects (Gartner, "Change Management: The ROI Impact," 2023).

Employee Benefits:

  • Increased Engagement: Employees who feel prepared for change are more likely to be engaged and motivated, leading to higher job satisfaction and performance.
  • Reduced Stress and Anxiety: By understanding and preparing for upcoming changes, employees experience less stress and uncertainty, contributing to a healthier work environment.
  • Better Alignment with Organizational Goals: Employees who are aware of and ready for changes can align their efforts with organizational objectives more effectively, leading to enhanced teamwork and goal achievement.

Organisational Culture Benefits:

  • Improved Adaptability: A culture that embraces change fosters resilience and adaptability, enabling the organization to respond swiftly and effectively to new challenges.
  • Enhanced Communication: Open and proactive communication about change initiatives helps build trust and transparency, strengthening the overall organizational culture.
  • Stronger Collaboration: A well-prepared workforce is more likely to collaborate effectively during transitions, creating a unified approach to achieving shared goals and fostering a positive work environment.

Example Items

  • "On a scale of 1 to 5, how effectively do you believe communication was maintained throughout the recent organizational changes, ensuring clarity and transparency regarding the reasons for change and its implications?"
  • "How would you rate the leadership's guidance and support during the transition period, in terms of providing direction, addressing concerns, and facilitating adaptation to the changes?"

Organisational Change Survey

Assessing Effectiveness in Managing Transitions

Assesses an organisation's effectiveness in managing transitions and explores employee perceptions of leadership effectiveness and support during change processes.


  • Better Strategy Alignment: Ensures employee understanding and alignment with change strategies for improved effectiveness.
  • Improved Change Management: Identifies resistance and areas needing support, enabling more targeted initiatives.
  • Increased Efficiency: Streamlines the change process by addressing key issues early, reducing disruptions and speeding implementation.


The organisational change survey is a crucial tool designed to gather comprehensive feedback from employees regarding recent or ongoing changes within the organization. This survey seeks to understand employees' perceptions and experiences across various aspects of the change process, including communication effectiveness, leadership support, impact on job roles, and overall satisfaction. The feedback collected will help the organization identify areas of success and opportunities for improvement, ensuring that future changes are managed more effectively. Insights from this survey enable leadership to enhance communication strategies, provide better support, and foster a more positive and adaptive workplace culture.


Should take approximately 5-10 minutes to complete.

Economic Benefits:

  • Improved Change Adoption: By understanding employee concerns and addressing them effectively, the organization can facilitate smoother and faster adoption of changes, reducing downtime and associated costs.
  • Enhanced Productivity: When employees feel supported and informed during changes, they are more likely to remain engaged and productive, minimizing disruptions to business operations.
  • Reduced Resistance: Gathering feedback allows the organization to anticipate and mitigate resistance to change, leading to fewer costly delays and conflicts.

Cultural Benefits:

  • Strengthened Trust and Engagement: Involving employees in the change process fosters a culture of trust, inclusivity, and higher engagement, aligning changes with core values.
  • Enhanced Collaboration and Adaptability: The survey encourages open communication across departments, promoting a unified culture that is adaptable and resilient to future changes.
  • Positive Attitude Toward Change: Successful change management through feedback leads to a more positive outlook on future changes, reducing resistance and building a culture of continuous improvement.

For Employees:

  • Increased Transparency: The survey provides employees with a voice, making them feel more included in the change process, which can enhance trust and morale.
  • Better Support Systems: By identifying areas where employees may need additional resources or support, the organization can tailor its approach to better meet the needs of its workforce during times of change.
  • Stronger Alignment with Organizational Goals: Understanding employee perspectives on change helps leadership align strategies more closely with the workforce's expectations, leading to a more cohesive and motivated team.

Example Items

  • "Do you believe that organizational evolution positively impacts the business?"
  • "Does management proactively communicate upcoming changes to the team?"
  • "Are the changes implemented in alignment with our company's overarching objectives?"